How to Transfer Pi Network Coin to Mainnet? Full Guide

Crowdwiz » How to Transfer Pi Network Coin to Mainnet? Full Guide

Join the Pi Network hype train and effortlessly transfer your Pi coins to the mainnet. Kick back, relax, and watch your crypto dreams come true. Mining has never been easier or more talked-about.

Users can effortlessly mine Pi coins with just a few clicks using smartphone.

Pi, the currency that hasn’t hit the exchanges yet, remains a mystery in terms of its actual worth. But fear not, brave Pi miners, the Pi community is bustling with activity and those clever developers are dishing out fresh updates left and right! Brace yourselves, because the Pi Mainnet release is the talk of the town and everyone’s on the edge of their seats for it!

How to Transfer Pi Network Coin to Mainnet_ Full Guide

What is Pi Mainnet?

Want to make the most of your Pi coins? Before you transfer them to the Mainnet, let’s get you up to speed on what it’s all about.

Think of the Mainnet as the happening place for all Pi transactions. It’s the cutting-edge tech that makes exchanging Pi coins (tokens) a breeze, whether you’re sending or receiving them for various reasons.

Right now, the Mainnet is on lockdown, but fear not! Pioneers like you can still transfer your hard-mined Pi coins by following the steps below.

The best part? Once you’ve made the transfer, you’ll be ready to jump into the exciting world of trading on the Open Mainnet. Get ready to put those Pi tokens to work!

Pi Network transfer to Mainnet: Complete guide to Pi coin migration

Discover what Pi coins are and ensure a smooth transfer to the Mainnet.

To ensure a successful transfer of your Pi coins to the Mainnet, the Pi Network has created a helpful checklist. It’s essential to follow each step on the checklist to transfer your balance effectively.

The Mainnet checklist consists of eight straightforward steps. Once you’ve completed the first seven steps, you’ll be ready to migrate your transferable balance in the eighth step.

Before you begin the checklist, it’s important to determine if you’ve already completed any previous steps, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Simply open the Pi Network app and navigate to the “Mainnet” section through the sidebar to check your progress.

How to do Pi Network KYC

Before transferring your Pi coins to the Mainnet, it’s crucial to understand what it is first.

Once you’re ready, you’ll find various options available. Look for the “mainnet checklist” option and click on it. Scroll down to check if you’ve completed the steps and then proceed as explained here:

Step 1: Download Pi Browser App

Discover the incredible capabilities of Pi Browser, the ultimate tool for Pi Network users. With features like Pi KYC, Pi Wallet, Fireside Forum, and more, this platform is a game-changer.

To begin your Pi adventure, simply download and install Pi Browser on your device. It’s quick and easy, and will enable you to seamlessly transfer your Pi coins. You can find it on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Get ready to dive into the world of Pi Network by getting your hands on Pi Browser. Once you’ve completed the download, keep an eye out for the first checklist tab to turn green – a sign that you’re well on your way to unlocking the full potential of Pi Network.

Step 2: Create a Pi Wallet

To access your wallet, open the Pi Browser app and select the wallet option. Another option is to tap on the second checklist point within the Pi Network app, which will automatically redirect you to the Pi Browser app.

If you haven’t created a wallet yet, simply tap on “create new” and then click on the “generate wallet” button.

Create Pi wallet

When you see the passphrase displayed, don’t forget to copy and store it securely. Losing this passphrase means you will lose access to your Pi wallet and your transferred Pi tokens.

Consider setting up biometric authentication like fingerprint or face unlock. Your Pi wallet is where your transferred Pi coins will be visible. Use these Pi coins for transactions within the enclosed mainnet.

Step 3: Confirm your Pi Wallet

So you’ve got yourself a fancy Pi wallet, huh? Time to give it a little confirmation hug! Just click on that third mainnet checklist point and it’ll lead you to a screen asking for your precious Pi wallet’s passphrase. Remember that one you copied earlier? Yeah, that’s the one!

Paste that bad boy into the text field and hit the “confirm your wallet” button. Boom! Step complete. Your Pi wallet is officially locked and loaded.

Step 4: Commit to lockup configuration

Wondering what the heck this step is all about? Well, hold on tight because I’m about to break it down for you. Pay close attention and avoid any slip-ups.

We’re talking about committing to a lockup configuration in Pi Network. Basically, you’ll need to set aside a certain portion of your mined Pi coins for a specific period of time. And guess what? This will actually boost your mining rate!

Here’s the deal: the more Pi coins you commit and the longer you commit them for, the faster your mining rate will be. But be warned, once you commit those Pi coins, you can’t touch ’em for a while.

To get in on this lockup action, either tap on the fourth checklist point or head on over to the “Configure lockup rate” option in the mainnet section. You’ll see two sliders: one for the lockup percentage and one for the lockup duration. The lockup percentage determines how much of your total balance will be locked up, while the lockup duration determines how long the lockup configuration will last.

So get ready to commit, but make sure you do it wisely. This is no time for rookie mistakes!

Step 5: Submit your KYC Application

Got your eyes on migrating your Pi coins to the mainnet? Well, before you go any further, you’ll need to conquer the almighty KYC verification!

Grab your government-issued ID (National ID, Driver’s License, or Passport) and get ready to dive into the Pi Browser app. Head on over to the KYC section and brace yourself for some form-filling action.

You’ll be asked for all the details. But fear not, once you’ve conquered the KYC process, you can finally hit that submit button and be one step closer to your Pi coin migration dream.

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by this KYC challenge, fear not! We’ve got your back with our comprehensive guide on how to breeze through the KYC verification on Pi Network. Just sit back, relax, and conquer that KYC mountain with ease.

Step 6: Wait for KYC Results

So you’ve submitted your KYC application, now brace yourself for the suspense! Take a sneak peek at their handy checklist to uncover the fate of your application. Keep an eye out for the glorious green tick, indicating that you’re all set to migrate to the mainnet. This means you’ve officially slayed the KYC verification game! And once those doors to steps 7 and 8 swing open, you’ll be on your way to crypto greatness.

Step 7: Sign Acknowledgement to Receive Tokens

Got some Pi coins to migrate? First, you gotta accept a little acknowledgment to get those tokens. It’s all about legal compliance, you know.

No worries, it’s super easy. Just give that acknowledgment document a good read and scroll till the end. You’ll see two buttons: “I Accept” and “I Decline.” You know which one to choose, right?

To migrate your precious Pi to the Mainnet, hit that “I Accept” button. Boom! An input box will appear, asking for your Pi wallet passphrase. Type it in and hit submit. Then, voila, your cryptographic signature is linked to your rock-solid wallet.

Step 8: Migrate to Mainnet

Get ready to transfer your precious Pi coins! Once you sign the acknowledgment, your coins will hop into the migration queue like eager little bunnies. Within a few hours, they’ll bounce right into your wallet, ready for action.

But hold your horses, there’s a 14-day pending period. During this time, your coins might be feeling shy and won’t be available for use. But fear not! Once those 14 days are up, your coins will come out of their shell and you can use them to your heart’s content.

Just a heads up, the Pi tokens in the lockup configuration will need to wait until the lockup duration is over before they can join the transfer party.

That’s all it takes to transfer your Pi Network coins to the mainnet. After the 14-day pending period, they’ll be unlocked and you can dive into the exciting world of trading, transactions, and more within the Pi mainnet.

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10 Replies to “How to Transfer Pi Network Coin to Mainnet? Full Guide”

  • King Khan says:

    It’s been 2 months my coins had not transferred in my mainnet. What would be the reason?

    • Jane Anderson says:

      Hi King Khan,

      If you passed the KYC approval, check if the Pi coin is shown under section to be migrated in your wallet.
      From the last information me and my team have, more than a million and a half users is scheduled to wait for transfer and transfers are done in batches.

      Please let us know if you succeed any time soon. 🙂

  • Najibullah jafar says:

    My KYC have been accepted for the past five months now but my pi coins have not been migrated to the mainnet

  • Faisal says:

    Been waiting from last feb 2023 and still waiting to be transferred

  • Decoyda Larsen says:

    Can we do multiple transfers from our transferable coins to the mainnet? I got some coin ive mined and I want to bring it over to the main net with my wallet and I know I have some coin that is currently locked on my mainnet wallet

  • ran says:

    hi all, i cannot find the agree or decline bottom when i am in the acknowledge receipt. i can close the 7th check list and the document is there but no bottom. what can i do to solve the problem.

  • John says:

    I waited months and finally, on 2023-09-10, a significant count of Pi was migrated to my wallet. Now in December, I have a healthy amount of Pi in my “transferable” section and now I’m waiting on those to transfer. All that to say, be patient, it’s coming.

  • JP great says:

    I have got my initial tranferable balance to my wallet. But now i have mined more pi coins plus many of my referrals have passed KYC so now there must be more PI which can be available for transfer so i want to know how to transfer the another verified lot to my wallet? Can you please help?

    • TR says:

      That’s exactly what I’m trying to figure out and haven’t found answer fot it. If you click transfer in the mining app next to the balance available for transfer, it still just gets me to migration to mainnet, but that’s long time done and no option to transfer the new mined Pi…

  • Sam Aikulola says:

    I can’t complete my KYC verification. It keeps on saying, “a slot is not available at the moment”. What can I do guys?

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